
“Future Proofing and Certifying Supply Chains” Clustering Workshop

Sifis-Home will participate in to online event 13th December 2021.

The Clustering Workshop co–organized by EU-funded projects ASSURED and CYRENE aims at bringing together projects that target Supply Chain Security, Resilience and Certification aspects, experts, members and consultants from standardization and certification bodies for exploring synergies and identifying actions that can be pursued in common.

Time (CET)PresentationSpeakers
9:00–9:15Welcome and Introduction of the AgendaSofoklis Efremidis, Maggioli
9:15–9:45Keynote #1Ifigeneia Lella, ENISA
9:45–10:15H2020 SANCUS Project Overview & Technical StatusTBD
10:15–10:45H2020 ASSURED Project Overview & Technical StatusThanassis Giannetsos, UBITECH
10:45–11:15H2020 FISHY Project Overview & Technical StatusTBD
11:15–11:30 | Coffee Break
11:30–12:00H2020 CYRENE Project Overview & Technical StatusSofoklis Efremidis, Maggioli
12:0–12:30H2020 MEDINA Project Overview & Technical StatusTBD
12:30–13:00H2020 BIECO Project Overview & Technical StatusTBD
13:00–14:00 | Lunch Break
14:00–14:30Keynote #2 | Blockchain: Anchors of RUST of Anchors of TRUST
The talk will highlight the issues and need for a decentralised trust model that not only supports WEB3 but also can provide anchors of trust in a post quantum world that not only undermines today’s cryptography but also advances AI to enable fundamental advances that will disrupt and undermine today’s anchors of trust.
Stephen Holmes, Arquit
14:30–15:00H2020 IOTAC Project Overview & Technical StatusTBD
15:00–15:30H2020 SIFIS–Home Project Overview & Technical StatusTBD
16:15–16:30Concluding Discussion Listing Areas of Focus Identification of Complementarities Plans for synergies Planning of Next Steps Feedback from external stakeholders and standardization bodiesALL
16:30 | Workshop closing

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About the project Assured: