First physical plenary meeting in Turin Italy

Sifis-Home project consortium standing outside in beautiful Torino 2022.

The first physical plenary meeting of the SIFIS-Home project consortium took place last week as finally the partners were able to meet in beautiful Turin, Italy. Partners who were not able to join physically, joined the plenary meeting virtually. The main agenda of the consortium meeting was to prepare for the mid-term review taking place in May.

The agenda of the two-day meeting was prioritized to work on the details of each WP presentation, status and review of the progress for the review meeting. First rehearsals of the review presentations took place with beneficial improvements and suggestions on the overall outlook. Some time was also dedicated for the deliverable writing of the next upcoming deliverables in WP5 and WP6, to utilize the possibility of working together in the same space and to share ideas.

This is a photo from the project meeting. There are Sifis-Home-partners sitting in the classroom in Torino in Italy.

In addition, the plenary included the showcase of the technical WP demonstrations that have been prepared to visualize the preliminary results obtained in various project areas and use cases of the project. Furthermore, the SIFIS-Home concept video is under preparation and will be finalized within the following days. All the visual material produced so far will be distributed via our project website and social media channels to reach the widest possible outreach and public attention.

Stay tuned for frequent updates and material shared via our project website and social media channels.

Best regards, Tuuli Lindroos from F-Secure, the leader of the WP7 (Dissemination, standardization and exploitation)

Tuuli Lindroos, F-Secure