SIFIS-Home 4th Plenary session

A screenshot from the 4th plenary

Three days of hands-on sessions and demonstration presentations to prepare for the upcoming Period 1 Review Session by the EU Commission

Up to date, the SIFIS-Home project has been active more than one year and the first period review is approaching. With a strong engagement to cooperation and shared ambition of creating next generation secure IoT research and solutions, together all the consortium partners have managed to achieve significant progress across the project WPs and deliverables despite the challenging global situation we are all currently facing.

The 4th Plenary meeting was once again held online, despite the strong ambition of organizing the meeting this time physically in Rome. Luckily by now the consortium partners already know each other better and are used to communicate and cooperate smoothly also virtually.

Three-day plenary session included various topics from hands-on sessions on the deliverable reports writing, demonstrations presentations and more traditional WP status presentations by the WP leaders. Exciting results on providing a secure-by-design and consistent software framework for improving resilience of Interconnected Smart Home Systems at all stack levels are already emerging.

Demonstrations of the concrete milestones and results of each technical WP of the research innovation action (RIA) project are almost ready to be finalized for the period 1 review taking place this spring. Some of the demonstrations are also made publicly available on the SIFIS-Home YouTube-channel, so stay tuned for more information in our social media channels ( Twitter / LinkedIn ) and the project website!

Best regards, Tuuli Lindroos from F-Secure, the leader of the WP7 (Dissemination, standardization and exploitation)