4th – 8th of October 2021 (Submission deadline July 15th)
Call for Papers
IT devices are day-by-day becoming more pervasive in several application fields and in the everyday life. The major driving factors are the ever increasing coverage of the Internet connectivity, the extreme popularity and capillarity of smartphones, tablets and wearables, together with the consolidation of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm. As a matter of fact, interconnected devices directly control and take decisions on industrial processes, regulate infrastructures and services in smart-cities, and manage quality-of-life and safety in smart-homes, taking decisions with user interactions or even autonomously.
The involvement of these devices in so many applications, unfortunately introduces a set of unavoidable security and safety implications, related to both the criticality of the aforementioned applications and to the privacy of sensitive information produced and exploited in the process. To address these and other related issues, there is an increasing need of instruments to control the access and the right to perform specific actions on devices or data. These instruments need to be able to cope with the high complexity of the considered applications and environments, being flexible and adaptable to different contexts and architectures, from centralized to fully-distributed, able to handle a high amount of information as well as taking into account non-conventional trust assumptions.
The considered technologies should regulate the actions of both human users and autonomous devices, being effective in enforcing security policies, still without introducing noticeable overhead, both on the side of performance and user experience. Hence, the design of secure and efficient mechanisms for continuous authentication, requiring limited-to-no active interaction is solicited. The ETAA workshop aims at being a forum for researchers and practitioners of security active in the field of new technologies for authenticating users and devices, and enforce security policies in new and emerging applications related to mobile/wearable devices and IoT.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Behavioral Authentication Mechanisms
- Emerging Technologies for Biometric Authentication
- Novel Privacy challenges in Biometric Authentication
- Context-based evolutionary policies.
- Access and Usage Control in Mobile and Distributed Systems
- Access and Usage Control in IoT
- Social, Ethic and Legal Aspects of Biometric and Behavioral Authentication
- Legal, Ethic and Forensic Aspects of Authorization
- Aspects and Models of Authentication and Authorization through social networks.
- Novel schemes for Trust and Reputation in Distributed Environments
- Policy languages for advanced Access and Usage Control
- Enforcement for Seamless and Continuous Authentication
- Advanced authentication and authorization techniques for protecting Critical Infrastructures
- Authentication protocols and Cryptography for IoT and Critical Infrastructure
- Application of advanced authentication and authorization techniques to specific scenarios
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: July 15th
- Acceptance Notification: August 21th
- Camera-ready versions: September 17th
Submission Instructions
Papers should be submitted written in English following the Springer LNCS format template and should NOT be anonymized. All papers must have an abstract and should present original results. Regular papers should be up to 16 pages long (2 additional pages are tolerated), including Bibliography and well marked appendices. Short papers presenting case studies and preliminary results can be up to 8 pages long. Submitted papers or other work consistently overlapping with the one submitted, should not be under consideration of any journal or conference with proceedings.
Please submit your paper here
Publication Information
For each accepted paper at least an author is required to register to the workshop through the ESORICS conference website and to present the paper to the ETAA workshop. The organizers keep the rights to exclude a paper from proceedings if the author (or delegate) will not show at the workshop. Proceedings will be published by Springer as post-proceedings in a dedicated volume of the LNCS series edited by the workshop chairs.
Workshop Chairs:
- Andrea Saracino, IIT-CNR
- Paolo Mori, IIT-CNR
Technical Program Committee
- Benjamin Aziz, University of Portsmouth, UK
- Francesco Di Cerbo SAP, France
- Carmen Fernandez Gago, University of Malaga, Spain
- Vasileios Gkioulos, NTNU, Norway
- Gabriele Lenzini, University of Luxembourg, LU
- Erisa Karafili, Imperial College London, UK
- Mirko Manea, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Italia, Italy
- Alessandro Aldini, Università Carlo Bo’ di Urbino, Italy
- Giacomo Giorgi, IIT-CNR, Italy
- Daniele Sgandurra, Royal Holloway – University of London, UK
- Charles Morisset, Newcastle University, UK
- Francesco Buccafuri, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Italy
- Georgios Karopoulos, JRC, Italy
- Debora Stella, Bird & Bird, Italy
- Marco Tiloca, RISE, Sweden
- Gabriele Costa, IMT Lucca, Italy
- Silvio Ranise, FBK, Italy
- Francesco Santini, Università di Perugia, Italy
- Jens Jensen, STFC, UK
- Jatinder Singh, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
- Nicola Zannone, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherland
For any question related to the ETAA workshop please write an email to:
- etaa@iit.cnr.it
Due to COVID-19 pandemics, ESORICS conference and affiliated workshop will be held online.
More information can be found on the main conference web page.