4th International Workshop on Behavioral Authentication for System Security (BASS 2021)

to be held in conjunction with the 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
(ARES 2021 – http://www.ares-conference.eu)

August 17 – August 20, 2021

Behavioral features are getting in the last years an increasing attention from both IT research and industrial world. Human behavioral aspects are extremely valuable pieces of information, exploited by companies to profile current or potential customers, in order to anticipate their preferences and presenting custom offers. Runtime behavioral analysis is being applied with increasing success for continuous and silent user authentication, and is considered an enabler for the seamless authentication paradigm in several environment and devices. Furthermore, behavioral analysis is posing itself as a valuable alternative to signature-based approaches to identify anomalies, intrusions, security attacks and system malfunctioning. These approaches are in fact known to be flexible, self-learning and able to consider multi-level and multi-domain features, related to software execution, system status, user interaction and current context.

BASS aims at attracting innovative contributions from both industry and academia related to all aspects of human, system or software behavioral analysis for IT security. The workshop solicits submission on both theoretical aspects and practical applications of behavior analysis, behavior-based identification and authentication, profiling and privacy and security aspects related to recording and exploitation of behavioral features.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to

Software Behavior Analysis
User behavior modeling and classification
Human behavior profiling
Behavior-based authentication
Behavioral features and approaches for intrusion detection
Privacy-preserving behavioral analysis
Secure recording and management of behavioral features
Hazardous behavior prediction and risk mitigation
Behavioral models for distributed IT systems

Hardware and virtual network traffic behavior
Behavioral analysis and classification for forensic applications
Cyber-Risk models exploiting behavioral features
Behavioral practices for cyber-disaster management and recovery
Models and practices for collaborative behavioral analysis
Biometric-behavioral models for user authentication
Ability authentication
Behavioral Analysis for Access and Usage Control

Important Dates
Submission DeadlineMay 19, 2021
Author NotificationJune 01, 2021
Proceedings VersionJune 13, 2021
ARES EU SymposiumAugust 17, 2021
All-Digital ConferenceAugust 17 – August 20, 2021
Program Chair/ Workshop Chair

Andrea Saracino, IIT-CNR, Italy
Alessandro Aldini, Università di Urbino, Italy
Francesco Mercaldo, IIT-CNR, Italy

Program Committee 2021

Alberto Ferrante, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland
Fabio di Troia, San Jose University, United States
Peter Kieseberg, SBA Research, Austria
Vasileios Gkioulos, Norwegian University of Technology and Science, Trondheim, Norway
Marco Tiloca, RISE, Sweden
Nicola Zannone TU/e, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Laura Genga TU/e, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Luca Ardito, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Marko Komssi, FSecure, Finland
Sean Robinson, FSecure, Finland
Giacomo Giorgi, IIT-CNR, Italy
Kevin Allix, Luxembourg Univ., Luxembourg
Alexandre Bartel, Copenhagen Univ., Denmark
Arthur Azevedo de Amorim, Boston Univ., USA
Harry Halpin, INRIA, France

Submission Guidelines

The submission guidelines valid for the workshop are the same as for the ARES conference. They can be found at https://www.ares-conference.eu/conference/submission/.